Easy Ways To Save On Your Apartment Air Conditioning
June 1, 2022 8:00 am Leave your thoughtsIn most places, summer is here, which means hotter temperatures and a greater need to save on your apartment air conditioning bill. Many renters are asking how they can save on utilities. It can be easy to forget about your air conditioning and let it run constantly.
On average, cooling accounts for about 12% of a typical household’s energy bill. This percentage can be much higher in warmer climates. If you aren’t aware of how much you’re using, you’ll likely be surprised with a large utility bill. Since the cost of rent is increasing in most places, you must have other ways to save.
We have prepared the best tips to avoid costly increases in your air conditioning and improve your apartment living today!

1 – Cover Your Windows
One of the first and most effective ways to save money on your utilities in the summer is to cover your windows. You can use curtains, a tapestry, blinds, etc. The more sunlight and hot air coming through your windows, the more your apartment will work to cool down your space.
Throughout various times of the day, the sun can significantly impact how much air conditioning you’re using. Get started today and limit how much is coming in!
Properly installed window coverings can reduce heat gain by up to 77%, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
2 – Use Fans
While it may seem like a simple solution, using fans to cool down your area is highly effective and can make your entire apartment much cooler. Many renters have ceiling fans and don’t even use them. Invest in small or large fans that you can place throughout your apartment to keep the temperature down.
Ceiling fans allow you to raise your thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort, leading to considerable savings over the summer months.

3 – Consider Smart Thermostats
A smart thermostat could be the best thing that ever happens in your apartment. Some apartments don’t have these cool gadgets already, but if your leasing office says it’s okay, putting one in could save you a lot of money.
Adding a device that learns your schedule, knows what temperature you like, and even considers the weather to change the temperature in your room could only reduce the monthly payment. As a result? You could save up to 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills.
4 – Avoid Using The Stove Often
One of the best ways to avoid your apartment getting too hot is not using the oven for long periods of time. Using the oven frequently can result in your space quickly heating up, causing a greater need for air conditioning. If you’re a fan of cooking and constantly use the stove, you will want to make sure that you have a functioning oven exhaust fan or fans nearby.
5 – Change The Temperature Before Leaving
Suppose you work away from home or find yourself gone for several hours at a time. Be sure to adjust the temperature while you’re gone. This slight temperature difference can significantly change how much air conditioning you use daily. It’s common to forget to adjust it before you go, so leave a reminder on your phone so it’s not working at full power while away.

6 – Clean Your Filter
Changing your filter is crucial for your air conditioning to work more productive. An older filter will cause the air conditioning to work harder, not smarter, resulting in more power needed in the long run.
The effective operation of any apartment’s heating and ventilation system depends on regular air filter cleaning. Cleaning your filter system is simple, and the benefits might help you save time and money.
7 – Seal Your Doors
The primary causes of heat loss in an apartment are doors and windows. Keep in mind, that doors and windows are less insulated than your apartment’s walls.
You may not realize that several doors in your apartment are letting hot air in! Reach out to your maintenance team and see how they can assist. Ensure that each of your doors is as sealed as possible so that you don’t have to deal with that extra warm air creeping in.
Air leaks through windows and doors can add up to 30% to your annual heating and cooling costs. Sealing these leaks is a highly effective way to save energy.

8 – Use Your Dryer Less
Did you know that your dryer can contribute to how warm your apartment is? You may not realize how much this contributes to the temperature in your apartment, and you can also save electricity by using it less as well!
While it may take more time to hang dry, it can be another great way to save during the summer months! Plus, your clothes will keep their quality if you can afford to hang dry them regularly.
9 – Avoid Extra Hot Showers
You will want to avoid anything that can elevate your apartment’s temperature to become even hotter. Most people love taking extra hot showers, but your space will be better off if you can alleviate their frequency. If you don’t want to part with your hot showers this summer, consider opening a nearby window when you get out so that the warm steam can escape easier and not heat your apartment.

10 – Clarify Utility Costs
Before moving in, you need to ensure that you have clarified with your landlord or property managers the exact details of your utility costs. Many renters don’t carefully review the details of those utility costs and are left with large bills that they’re unprepared for. You can also ask your property managers what the average cost in the summer months is. The more excellent knowledge you have when moving in, the less you will be surprised later on the apartment air conditioning bill!
11 – Conserve In Other Areas
Often when it comes down to it, you can’t altogether avoid the increase in expenses from using your utilities in summer. However, you can brainstorm other ways to bring the cost down! Perhaps, you can use less water and be more cautious of your electricity. If you genuinely can’t afford the utility expenses, it may be time to look into other options. Be honest with yourself to have the best living situation possible.

12- Strategic Plant Placement
Strategically placing plants like aloe vera and snake plants around your apartment is a savvy move to naturally cool down your surroundings that not many people know about. These indoor plants do double duty: they purify the air by removing pollutants and also help cool the environment, making your living space more comfortable during the hot summer months. Plus, the presence of these plants can enhance overall well-being by adding a touch of nature to your indoor environment. Create an apartment garden space where they will thrive and see how positively it affects your life!
13 – Manage Electronics Heat
Every time you use your TV, computer, or game console, they generate heat, contributing to the overall temperature of your apartment. This might not seem like a lot, but add a few devices running together, and you’ll feel the difference.
Consider unplugging devices when they’re not in use. It will save energy, and also reduce the amount of heat they emit. Try to limit the use of high-energy devices during the hottest parts of the day. Opt for reading or activities that don’t involve electronics.
How To Assess the Energy Efficiency of an Apartment Before Moving in?
Checking a new apartment’s energy efficiency before moving in can save you money on air conditioning and other utilities. Window and insulation inspections are reasonable starts. Double-glazed or energy-efficient windows keep heat out in summer and warmth in winter, improving comfort and utility expenses.
Ask for the apartment’s past-year energy bills to get a sense of what to expect. Energy-efficient appliances consume less electricity than older models, so look for apartments with these. Knowing what to look for and asking the appropriate questions will help you keep your home cool without breaking the bank.
Local Resources or Programs That Offer Rebates
You can find a wealth of local resources and programs to minimize the cost of air conditioning and other home renovations.
Starting with your local utility company is smart. Customers who buy energy-efficient appliances and smart home gadgets often receive rebates. Besides the immediate savings, these initiatives encourage a more sustainable lifestyle, which pays dividends in the long run.
In addition, government websites and local non-profits often list energy-saving products and home improvement rebates and discounts. These resources lower utility expenses and help the environment.
Check with your utility provider for incentives. A short online search for “energy-saving rebates” and your location or state can reveal many valuable programs.
How much cooler should I keep my apartment than the outside temperature?
To optimize energy use while maintaining comfort, aim to keep your apartment about 78°F when you are home and slightly warmer when you are away, regardless of the outside temperature.
Can I turn off my AC when I’m not home?
Yes, turning off your AC when you’re not home can save on energy costs. Consider using a programmable thermostat to increase the temperature when you’re away and cool it down before you return.
How can I cool my apartment without AC?
Utilize fans, open windows during cooler hours, and use blackout curtains to block heat during the day. Additionally, minimize heat-generating activities, such as cooking on the stovetop.
Is it cheaper to run a window AC or central air?
Window AC units are generally cheaper to run if you only need to cool one room or a small area. Central air might be more cost-effective for cooling multiple rooms or larger spaces.
Do high-rise apartments have different cooling costs compared to lower-floor units?
High-rise apartments often experience different cooling dynamics. Units on higher floors might be warmer due to heat rising from below and increased exposure to sunlight, potentially leading to higher cooling costs compared to lower-floor apartments.
To Conclude
Making your apartment more energy-efficient doesn’t require a complete lifestyle overhaul. Small, informed changes can lead to significant savings and a more comfortable living environment. From choosing apartments with materials that naturally regulate temperature to advocating for green spaces and using smart technology, there are numerous ways to enhance your space’s efficiency. Embracing these strategies benefits your wallet and contributes to a more sustainable way of living.
Still searching for the perfect apartment?
Categorised in: Apartment Living
This post was written by Isabella Housel
Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.