Apartment Social Media

Common Apartment Social Media Mistakes

February 23, 2022 7:30 am Published by 1 Comment
Last Modified: April 15, 2024 9:16 am
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Regardless of your property size or marketing strategies, apartment social media is an essential tool with many rewards. Your apartment social media holds a lot of weight regarding what your prospects think about your community. Not to mention, your current social media methods also impact your existing residents. 

Apartment Social Media

Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram apartment marketing strategies may differ slightly, but a lot of the content that you create will be similar across platforms. Finding which platforms work best for your community and how to make the most of them is so important when trying to reach both current renters and potential tenants across social media.

Many properties face problems as social media can be tricky if you aren’t familiar with the best practices. Not to mention, the wrong efforts on social media can backfire on your property. Social media is an apartment marketing effort that takes time, organization, and practical strategies.

In this article, I’m going to break down the common mistakes in apartment social media and guide you toward a more effective strategy. Social media is a dynamic field, and as a marketing specialist, I’ve seen firsthand how the right approach can transform your online presence. Avoid the common mistakes below and implement powerful methods that will lead you to apartment social media to success!

1. Not Optimizing Content for Each Platform

A critical misstep often overlooked is the failure to optimize content for each specific platform. This oversight can significantly hinder the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. I’ve come to realize that Instagram users often engage more with visually-driven stories, while Facebook’s audience may prefer detailed community updates. Let’s look into the nuances of this mistake and how to rectify it.

Facebook: This platform thrives on community engagement. For apartment marketers, this means focusing on stories and events that resonate with your community. Use Facebook’s group features to foster deeper connections. Share updates about local events or community initiatives, and encourage residents to participate in discussions. This approach not only strengthens community bonds but also enhances your property’s appeal to potential tenants who value a vibrant community life.

Instagram: 82% of Instagram users are aged 18-34, ideal for targeting younger residents. Instagram is all about visual storytelling. High-quality images and videos showcasing your property’s aesthetics, amenities, and community life are crucial. Use Instagram Stories to offer a behind-the-scenes look at your property, from resident events to daily life. This platform is perfect for highlighting the lifestyle and atmosphere your property offers, which can be a deciding factor for many prospects.

TikTok: The dynamic nature of TikTok calls for creativity and brevity. Short, engaging videos that showcase your property in a fun and lively manner work best here. Consider virtual tours, resident testimonials, or showcasing unique aspects of your property in a creative way. TikTok’s algorithm favors content that engages users quickly, so focus on making an immediate impact.

Incorporate video content to showcase your property. Videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. Videos of amenities, resident testimonials, and virtual tours add a dynamic element to your social media presence. Make sure these videos are professionally shot and edited to maintain a high-quality standard that reflects the professionalism of your property.

2. Neglecting Audience Demographics and Preferences

Overlooking the specific demographics and preferences of your apartment community’s audience can lead to a significant disconnect in your social media strategy. This oversight often results in content that fails to engage or resonate with your intended audience, leading to missed opportunities and ineffective communication. For instance, if your community primarily consists of young professionals, but your content focuses on family-oriented activities and amenities, you’re not speaking directly to your residents’ interests. This misalignment can make your social media presence seem out of touch, reducing its effectiveness in building a connected community.

The consequences of not tailoring your content to the age, interests, and social media habits of your residents and potential tenants can be far-reaching. Generic content that doesn’t consider these factors may lead to lower engagement rates, as it fails to strike a chord with your audience. For example, using outdated memes or references on platforms favored by a younger demographic, like TikTok or Instagram, can make your brand appear disconnected and irrelevant. Conversely, not leveraging the full potential of platforms like Facebook, which might be more popular among an older demographic, can result in missed opportunities to engage with a significant portion of your audience.

To effectively communicate with your community, it’s crucial to conduct thorough audience research. Understand the age range, interests, and preferred social media platforms of your residents. Tailor your content to these preferences to ensure it resonates with them. For example, if your research indicates a high number of pet owners in your community, incorporating pet-friendly events or amenities in your social media posts can significantly increase engagement and community involvement. Similarly, recognizing the preferred social media platforms of your audience allows you to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that your efforts yield the best possible results in community building and tenant satisfaction.

3. Posting Randomly

Social media requires consistency and regular patterns. Most social media algorithms function based on engagement. If your post has great engagement, it will be pushed to the top and be placed in front of a larger audience. With engagement in mind, it’s vital to set up a posting schedule. In the long run, a posting schedule will help you track your analytics, create posting routines, and give your current residents consistency. 

Improve Your Apartment Social Media

Posting randomly will cause you to lose engagement and take up more of your time. With a clear posting schedule in mind, you can organize and delegate amongst your team. An apartment social media schedule can also help you accomplish your goals and market the right things to your prospects. Before taking your social media to the next level, the first step is to get super organized.

To enhance your posting strategy, consider leveraging tools like social media management software. These tools not only help in scheduling posts but also provide valuable insights into the best times to post based on when your audience is most active. This data-driven approach ensures maximum visibility and engagement for your content.

4. Overlooking the Power of Community Building on Social Media

A significant oversight is the underutilization of these platforms for community building. This neglect can lead to missed opportunities to foster a sense of belonging among residents, which is vital for tenant satisfaction and retention. When social media is not used to cultivate community spirit, residents may feel disconnected, not just from each other but also from the management. This disconnection can result in a lack of engagement with the property and its activities, potentially leading to higher tenant turnover.

On the flip side, effectively leveraging social media for community building offers numerous benefits. Engaging residents in online community activities, such as virtual events, forums for sharing local information, or groups for hobby-related discussions, can significantly enhance the sense of community. This engagement not only makes tenants feel valued and connected but also fosters a supportive and interactive environment.

1.4 billion people use Facebook Groups. For instance, a Facebook group dedicated to your apartment community can serve as a platform for residents to share experiences, offer help, and stay informed about local events. This not only strengthens the bond among residents but also positions your property as a vibrant and connected living space.

5. Poorly Written Captions

One thing I wish I had known earlier is the impact of well-crafted captions. They’re not just text; they’re a reflection of your brand’s voice and professionalism. While it may be tempting to rush through your social media posts, it is crucial to remember how essential your online presence is. A part of every prospect’s journey may include visiting your social media profiles and getting a taste of your community.

If they stumble upon your poorly written captions, it could change their thoughts about your property. Prospects want peace of mind that the management they will be working with is professional and organized. 

Apartment Marketing

An essential piece of social media to keep in mind is a strategy to write captions. It isn’t about hitting a certain number of words but rather knowing how to market to your audience. Social media is different from every other place on the internet, and this can either be a huge advantage or a significant disadvantage to your property.

Ensure that whoever is posting for your community has the experience and knowledge to communicate through social media. If you aren’t confident in your team’s capabilities, be sure to work with apartment social media experts. 

6. No Hashtags

Social media can be your very own local search engine. Hashtags play an important role in your social media presence. The purpose of using hashtags is to attract new audience members who can locate your profile. With the right hashtags, you can appear in your future resident’s searches. Hashtags also help local businesses and organizations find your community as well. 

Hashtag Strategy

Regardless of how useful hashtags are, it’s important to keep in mind the best practices. It’s crucial to keep your hashtags short and understandable. You should also avoid using too many hashtags, as it can end up deterring anyone from reading your post. Humor also tends to work well with hashtags so get creative on the ones that you use! Stick to around three hashtags per post and don’t let it overpower the actual content written.

Develop a branded hashtag unique to your property. This not only aids in creating a cohesive online presence but also allows you to easily track mentions and user-generated content. Encourage residents and visitors to use this hashtag, creating a digital footprint that prospective tenants can explore to get a real feel of your community.

7. Ignoring the Potential of User-Generated Content

Overlooking user-generated content (UGC) in apartment social media strategies is a significant misstep. 60% of consumers find user-generated content to be the most authentic and influential. UGC, such as residents’ photos, reviews, and stories, offers a goldmine of authenticity and relatability that can greatly enhance your online presence. When apartment communities fail to encourage or share these genuine experiences, they miss out on creating a relatable and engaging online environment. This oversight can lead to a social media presence that feels overly curated or impersonal, potentially alienating both current and prospective residents.

The absence of UGC can also result in a missed opportunity for fostering community spirit. When residents see their experiences and stories featured, it not only validates their choice to live in your community but also encourages others to share their own stories. This cycle of sharing and engagement builds a stronger, more connected community. However, it’s crucial to navigate the legal and ethical aspects of UGC carefully. Always obtain consent before sharing residents’ content and be mindful of privacy concerns.

Incorporating UGC requires a strategic approach. Start by creating avenues for residents to share their content, such as hashtag campaigns or photo contests. Then, curate this content thoughtfully, making sure it aligns with your brand’s voice and values. Remember, the goal is to showcase the authentic experiences of your residents, turning your social media platforms into vibrant, community-driven spaces.

8. Unprofessional Content

Social media tends to be a more casual space on the internet that follows exciting trends. Despite the inclination to stay on-trend, it’s essential to always keep things professional. Unprofessional content is a major red flag to your future and current residents. It showcases a lack of effort as well as a lack of care. Low-quality content can confuse your prospects and deter their confidence to move forward with leasing.

Professional Content

Unprofessional content includes misspelled words, incomplete sentences, and captions or images that are too casual. The energy and information that your social media gives off is a huge piece of your property! If you’re unsure that your property can produce accurate and professional content, meet with social media experts.

9. Not Advertising Promotions

Advertising apartments on social media is crucial if you want to maintain sales and make sure your company is viable in the long run. Your apartment social media is meant to be a place where your promotions and available floor plans can thrive. Due to the expansive reach of social media, your can share your current opportunities with all of your prospects.

Many apartments make the mistake of not extensively advertising current discounts or specials. Chances are, your future residents are waiting for the right push to move forward and it may be exactly what they need! 

Apartment Advertising

The next step of social media advertising is utilizing all of the functions that social media platforms now have. Posting on social media is no longer just a once a day feed post! You can utilize a variety of platforms and a variety of methods. Explore what apps work for you including Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc. From here, you can determine how you will best use all of the available features like stories, reels, going live, and more.

Leverage social media analytics to understand the performance of your promotional content. Track metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your promotions. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your advertising strategy for better results.

what you are doing wrong

Get your social media on the right track!

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This post was written by

Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.

1 Comment

  • Michael shad says:

    Love this article – Just validates everything I do for MultiFamily – This is such a void in this industry that I am trying to fill by helping and taking the other full-time job off their hands and letting them do what they do best, which is to help current residents and future prospects.

    Thanks for sharing – I like to share this with the ones that don’t understand how important social media is to their businesses.

    I currently manage over 3500 units nationwide and am always trying to manage more if you know anyone looking or wants to see if we are a good fit would greatly appreciate the referral. Or not – no worries!

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