social media ideas

31 Apartment Social Media Ideas For Creative Posts

October 27, 2020 12:54 pm Published by 3 Comments
Last Modified: April 9, 2024 10:38 am
Reading Time: 9 minutes

1. Highlight a floor plan.

Showcase one or all of your floor plans on your apartment’s social media! Consider posting an apartment video or boasting about the amenities that make your place one of a kind. Promote a sense of urgency when posting about your floor plans. Let prospects know the one they want is waiting for them and won’t be available forever.

2. Post a resident event.

Share your resident events, and demonstrate connection in your community! Hosting a resident event and setting up opportunities for photos is a great way to create content for your apartment’s social media. Make sure that at every resident event, developing new posts for your social media is a priority.

3. Record an apartment tour video.

Take your prospects through their future apartment! Apartment video tours make the perfect additions to your social media strategies. You can use them on your website, along with a variety of social media apps. Not to mention, it will help your prospects get to know your property. With everything moving to be virtual, this is an absolute must for social media.

4. Introduce your management team.

Let your community get to know your team. Introduce each person, and share what makes your staff great! Your prospects will love getting connected with the people that will be helping them feel right at home.

management team

5. Post rent reminders.

Turn rent reminders into something fun for your residents! Plus, it’s a convenient way to help you better collect rent on time. Post a reminder on your apartment social media when it’s nearing the beginning of the next month. You can create a fun graphic or use a countdown reminder on Instagram or Facebook.

6. Share a tutorial on how to pay rent online.

While most of your residents probably understand the basics of how to pay rent online, it’s always good to make sure that your community is informed. Show a brief tutorial of the process and make it as smooth as possible. You can save this story to your highlights so that if any residents have any questions, you can refer them directly to your social media. 

7. Give your residents decorating tips.

Turn your social media into a resource hub for your residents! Provide them with decorating tips and tutorials. With Instagram and Facebook live features, you can host online crafts and lessons. You could also share practical tips on creating more space, soundproof your apartment, and more.

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8. Highlight any renovations/upgrades.

Have you had any recent upgrades at your property? It could be anything from new apartment features to modern community amenities. Social networks are a great place to showcase updates. Share the new and improved additions on your social media. You can create a video that displays your improved developments!

9. Post a pet shout out/highlight.

Do you have cute furry friends roaming around your community? Pets are often very popular on social media platforms. Apartments that are pet-friendly are continually rising as people look for a comfortable home for themselves and their best friends. Show off your pet amenities or anything about your property that is designed to make pets feel right at home too.


10. Meet the property manager.

Write a post that spotlights your property manager! Introduce them with a picture and show off what makes them completely one of a kind. A lot of people often connect to social media posts better when it features people. Switch it up from your typical graphics and show the faces that make your community what it is.

11. Meet the leasing agents.

Create a post or video that allows residents to meet the leasing agents of their community! You could put together a video that introduces each member of your team. If you want to spread it out more slowly, introduce your team throughout the entire year. Save these to your highlights so that they will always be on your profile.

12. Showcase leasing office life.

Take your prospects around the leasing office and show your community what a day in the office consists of! Demonstrate the behind-the-scenes of what you do on a day-to-day basis to keep your property functioning.

13. Share a motivational quote.

Keep your residents motivated for the upcoming week ahead. Share a motivational quote and encourage them to reach their goals. Motivational quotes are an easy thing to post and are something that you can add to your weekly posting schedule.

apartment social media

14. Display events happening around town.

Highlight your local area! Let your residents know of community events that are happening in your city. Creating content that is more customized to your local area has a lot of benefits. It can show prospects what local attractions are in your neighborhood while also keeping your residents informed about local events.

15. Host a giveaway.

Giveaway something great to your residents! A giveaway is a fantastic way to connect with your residents while growing your social media. Invite your residents to share your post on their stories for entry and randomly select a winner for a prize. Apartment social media is an awesome way to level up your resident retention.

16. Post your monthly special.

Every month you should be posting your specials on your social media to let prospects know what you have to offer. Share a customized graphic that gets people excited about the discounts they may be eligible to receive! As prospects stumble across your social media in their search for a new apartment, it will be crucial to have your current special posted.

17. Introduce the maintenance team.

There may be members of your team that the residents in your community never get to meet! Spend time on your social media, introducing each member. Residents are more likely to feel comfortable in your community if they know the team that will help them. This type of transparency and connection can make all of the difference!

18. Answer a frequently asked question.

There may be common questions in your community waiting for your answers. Hosting a Q&A session on social media is productive and fun. You can utilize Instagram or Facebook Live or leave a question forum where people can submit their questions. If you don’t receive any new questions, consider answering a common question that you receive regularly.

19. Promote your other social accounts.

Do you have one social media account that always excels over the others? Use your most active account to showcase all of the others! For example, if Facebook is the forum that you receive the most interaction on, invite your Facebook followers to tune into your Instagram. You can also include links to your other social media profiles throughout all of the apps.

20. Countdown for an event.

Get your residents excited about upcoming events in your community! Social media apps like Instagram will allow you to create a countdown that your followers can save and keep track of. This format would be the perfect way to remind your community about upcoming resident events or local events in your neighborhood.

apartment social media

21. Highlight your website.

Drawing more traffic to your website is always a good thing. There are many ways to accomplish this, and social media often caters to website links. For example, on Instagram, you can include your website link in your bio. On Facebook, there are a variety of places where you can link directly to your website. It’s also smart to have regular posts that direct prospects and residents to your website. Apartment social media can be used as a great tool for your website.

22. Ask for reviews.

Share a post asking for reviews! Getting more reviews for your community, whether positive or negative, can significantly impact your community in many ways. With more reviews often comes better search engine rankings and more leads. Recent studies show that 84% of people trust reviews as much as they trust their friends. Focusing on your reviews should always be one of your biggest priorities!

23. Share a fun fact about your property.

Switch up your posts by sharing things that people don’t know about your property. From your community’s history to fun facts about the local area, there is so much to share with your residents. Posting on social media can get exhausting, and it can be helpful to have posts that take the pressure off of you and the residents. Not everything that you post needs to center around promoting your community. Posting for fun is also useful.

24. Highlight the clubhouse.

Showcase your clubhouse! Post pictures, videos, or a tour around your resident clubhouse. With luxury apartment living on the rise, many people are very interested in the special luxuries that their new community will have to offer. If your clubhouse has unique features like a fitness center, swimming pool, spin room, or more, you will want to show these off on your apartment social media.

25. Post apartment decor hacks.

Share realistic and practical apartment decorating hacks with your residents! Each season and around the holidays, you can encourage your community to get creative. Showcase simple decorating tips and ideas that will help make your residents’ space feel more like home. If you want to take this to the next step, you can host a decorating contest. Invite your residents to send in their decorated spaces and choose a winner.

apartment social media

26. Participate in a social media challenge.

Social media challenges have become a fundamental apartment advertising strategy for creating content, interacting with people, and increasing follower numbers.

Social media challenges can be a great way to switch up your regular posts. There are a variety of challenges that you can create for yourself or your community to participate in. The whole point of a social media challenge is creating a specific timeline and guidelines for things you and others will post. Get creative on what type of challenge will be best for your community!

27. Write about apartment living.

Apartment living is a fun and entertaining topic! From decorating tips to apartment hacks, you can share a variety of thoughts about multifamily living. Writing about apartment living is a great way to break up your regular posts with helpful and useful information. It’s easy to get caught up in strategizing social media posts, but it is also beneficial to post personalized information that can benefit your community.

28. Post a nearby restaurant.

Spotlight your local area! Showcasing the local attractions around you can be a win-win situation. It helps your residents to become excited about your neighborhood, and it also connects you with local businesses. These connections that you make can establish your reputation in your local area. Get your residents excited about the neighborhood that they live in!.

29. Share a testimonial from an old resident.

Don’t let your reviews go to waste! Treat your reviews like a resident testimonial that you can share with your community. As residents leave your community, be sure to ask for specific feedback. Even if they had a negative experience, you could use this feedback to better your property. Set up a straightforward process that will encourage all residents to leave a review. From here, you can use those reviews all over your social media! This makes your apartment’s social media more personal and informative.


30. Create a boomerang.

Boomerangs are a fun and creative way to post about what’s happening in your community. They can be a personalized way to introduce your team as well as to showcase your amenities. It is also a great way to switch up from posting just a typical Instagram story.

31. Highlight the landscaping.

Post about the landscaping in your community or neighborhood. Highlight the local scenery that makes your property special! If you don’t have any landscaping that stands out, post about local outdoor attractions. People, regardless of their lifestyle, are often drawn to the outdoors. Everyone loves to see nature that will surround their future home.

Take your apartment social media to the next level!

How To Have The Best Apartment Social Media

  1. Get Creative With Posts

    Develop new ideas and create a social media content calendar that will help you to structure your brainstorming.

  2. Use Relevant Hashtags

    Discover the hashtags that are the most fitting for your property and use them on your posts. This may include common multifamily tags or tags specific to your local area!

  3. Interact With Your Audience

    Comment and respond to any messages or interactions that you receive so that your community can see that you use social media as an everyday tool!

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This post was written by

Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.


  • shailesh says:


  • Taylor Munerlyn says:

    This was a great guide to help market an apartment. I was researching different posts that i could make to help market and engage potential customers. Everything that was listed I have posted already so its good to know that I am up to date.

  • Rahul Dubey says:

    Using relevant hashtags is a game-changer for visibility, and it’s awesome that you highlight the importance of finding ones specific to your property or local area. It’s the little details that make a big difference.

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