smart marketing

Apartment Marketing That Increases Your NOI: Smart Marketing

January 22, 2020 11:20 am Published by 2 Comments
Last Modified: February 20, 2024 10:12 am
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Smart Marketing is the apartment marketing method that guarantees renters while also increasing your property value, and NOI (net operating income). Instead of spending your entire budget on marketing with large ILS pages (Internet Listing Services), Smart Marketing implements your money directly to your own apartment website. If even a portion of the money you budget for ILS pages is used for your own website, you will experience drastic lead transformations.

With Smart Marketing, your multifamily digital marketing budget is going towards the things that matter the most. It is made up of SEO, Schema Markup, AMP, Image Optimization, Automated Email Marketing, Reputation Management, and Local Listings. Each of these things directly impacts the standard of your website as well as your search results. This results in higher-quality leads.

If Market Apartments is your marketing provider, you may have been previously introduced to Smart Marketing, but if not, you will want to get started now.

apartment marketing ideas

Smart Marketing vs. ILS

Having your website function as the main source of leads gives prospects the confidence they need to sign a lease. This method provides prospects with resources at their fingertips. It also eliminates your apartment from always being directly compared to others. It is very difficult to stand out on a large ILS page when your apartment is next to thousands of competitors. Along with this, only focusing on a large ILS page (Internet Listing Service) limits your rental property website to reach its full potential. It requires that prospects sift through a lot of information, which makes it difficult to make decisions.

Your website can become the master of the search engines, as opposed to your community only being one of the thousands on multiple ILS pages. By focusing on your rental website, you are able to directly communicate the information that is necessary for prospects to hear. In the end, this results in higher quality leads.

Can you imagine what you would be able to build if you took the money you implemented to only ILS pages, and implemented the Smart Marketing campaign?

apartment digital marketing

Smart Marketing DataBox

With Smart Marketing by Market Apartments, you will have access to your own data table that will bring search engine results to your fingertips. The databox is a compilation of four sources (Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEM Rush, AND Moz). The data is then displayed by different categories like impressions, clicks, and conversions. You will also be able to track your domain authority and average search engine position. The information will tell you the specific keywords that you rank for, as well as your visibility trend. It is an easy, and convenient way to fully monitor your apartments across the web.

smart marketing database

What does Smart Marketing consist of?

Smart Marketing is made up of different developments and strategies. It encompasses everything that comes together in multifamily apartment marketing. However, the main goal is to obviously make your website the center of your leads. Smart Marketing can be broken down into five categories. It essentially brings creative marketing ideas to your fingertips. Start now, and devote your marketing efforts to a method that has proven success. Stop competing with the search engine, and work directly with it instead.

multifamily marketing

S – SEO & Schema Markup

Most people have a fair understanding of what SEO for apartments is. It stands for search engine optimization, and it simply does just that. It can include everything from page titles to the paragraph content. In order to be SEO friendly, a website must research terms that are currently being searched for in their local area. These are often referred to as keywords. They are essential in order for your website to rank on a search engine. If you have more questions about SEO, contact us.

Schema markup is a less-known term in the world of apartment marketing. It is a code that goes on your website that helps search engines retrieve your information. It provides structured data. This structured data will then appear in the search engine. It can be applied to reviews, floorplans, and pricing, as well as other website pages.

multifamily apartment marketing

It is no secret that having a review markup appear on the SERP (search engine results page) is extremely important. In recent conversations, we’ve heard many times that prospects are hesitant to even click on a website that doesn’t have a review markup in place. Below, is an example of a review schema markup.

schema markup paint

So when you combine SEO, with schema markup you’re greatly increasing your chances to not only appear higher on the search engines but to appear better. From here, prospects will be more attracted to click on your website, and ultimately more interested in renting. Google’s Algorithms are looking for specific things. If they come to your site, and it isn’t updated, it is an unfortunate loss of future gains. Start this process now, and you will be on your way to a better search engine ranking.

M – Maximizing Website Leads

Maximizing your website leads consists of a few different aspects. The overall point of this step in Smart Marketing is to make your website the highest quality possible. This gives prospects the opportunity to experience your property. Your website is the home of your prospects. The more that they feel connected to the material that is on there, the more likely they will join your community.

Two basic ways that you can maximize your website is through AMP, and image optimization. AMP stands for accelerated mobile pages, and it is the process by which your website becomes mobile-friendly. We know now that nearly everyone is only using mobile devices to search. By using AMP, you will increase your website’s mobile speed, making the pages load almost instantly. This is going to allow prospects to gather the information they want to about your website in a quicker manner. Shorter page loading times equals higher quality leads.

Image optimization is related to this, as it about making each image on your website function better, and consists of resizing them to the ideal size. By doing this, you do not lose the quality of the image. The images are also optimized so they will not slow down the page loading times. Along with these benefits, image optimization also gives you the opportunity to rank on search engines. This is possible by naming images, choosing the right file type, choosing accurate dimensions, and many other options.

When combined, AMP, and image optimization give your website the tools necessary to perform at its very best. The speed becomes fast and catered to mobile devices, and the images assist in SEO ranking.

A – Automated Email Marketing

Automated email marketing might seem like a simple term, but there is more that goes into it than you think. Even in the midst of other communication channels, email remains one of the most effective. With automated email marketing, your residents will receive structured emails that are sent to them on a few specific occasions.

For example, if a resident puts in a maintenance request, a structured email that is timed, will then be sent to them with a specific message. This email will also include links to leave your apartment community a review. This is a fantastic way to reach out to your residents while continuing to increase your online reviews. Once your automated email marketing schedule is made, it will send on a timed schedule. This means that you won’t have to monitor what time to send it, or what it will have to say. It is a simple, and prompt way to show your residents that you care.

In return, you’re giving your residents the perfect moment to leave you a review. They are able to see that your services are timely and that your management is productive, and this will motivate them to leave a sparkling review. It is truly a win-win situation. In the end, the more reviews that you get will relate to the amount of traffic your website gets. All of these elements work together to bring your apartment higher-quality leads.

R – Reputation Management

Reputation management can encompass a few different things. The overall purpose of reputation management is to develop a cohesive brand, increase platform presence, and create community awareness. This is usually administered through managing reviews and social media. Ultimately, people largely depend on the “internet value” of a community, before they join. Prospects will most likely read the reviews, and check out the social media platforms before they consider moving in.

It can be difficult to stay on top of reputation management, as it requires creating a lot of content. Review generation includes watching the reviews and responding to them in a timely, and professional manner.

An apartment community can use social media to develop leads and maintain resident retention. It is a great way to let your current residents know about events or specials that you have going on. People feel a great deal of appreciation when they can be apart of what is going on behind the scenes.

When review generation is combined with social media content, it helps you develop a cohesive online brand. It also enables individuals to recognize your community. Every single day the world becomes more reliant on the opinions of others to dictate their choices. Now is the time to play off of this by developing a clear plan of action for reputation management.

T – Top Level Local Listing

It is no secret that local listings are becoming the first impression of any product or business. When you enter your information into a search engine, on a mobile device or desktop, you will first be drawn to the local listing. These local listings consist of Google My Business, Yelp, Bing, and Apple Maps.

So if everyone knows about them, why are we still talking about them? The truth is that most people do not know how to fully utilize their local listing. It has the ability to be so much more than just a phone number, and an address. It can in reality act as a smaller portion of your website. In your local listing, you can add pictures, specials, floor plans, and monitor your reviews. It can ultimately be the deciding factor for someone to then click on the website tab.

Maintaining a local listing that is fully updated, and congruent with your current website is extremely important. It leads to greater website clicks and leads. Managing your listings with prestige detail, and frequently improving them is also a large portion of reputation management. You could include the same images and specials that you are also sharing on your social media to make each of your online platforms congruent.

Transform Your Multifamily Apartment Marketing

So it’s clear through reviewing each of these processes, that when they’re combined they make the ultimate apartment marketing method. Rather than constantly trying to identify new apartment marketing ideas, you can simply by using Smart Marketing. There truly isn’t a better and more effective way to update your website than by utilizing this method. Using word of mouth marketing strategies is no longer feasible, and does not lead to long-lasting results.

website design

Property Managers & Leasing Agents…

If you’re tired of trying to compete on large ILS pages, then it is time for you to consider implementing Smart Marketing.

If you’re exhausted from giving away thousands of dollars, to only be placed next to your competitors, then it’s time to change your marketing approach to Smart Marketing.

Sign Potential Renters Now!

Contact Market Apartments today to start the apartment marketing method that guarantees renters.

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This post was written by

Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.


  • Vera says:

    Thank you for this comprehensive educating list. I am just conversant with Automated Emails . I found this helpful and will apply it.

    • Isabella Housel says:

      Thank you for reading Vera. We’re glad that you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions let us know, and we would be happy to discuss it.

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