Author Archives for Market Apartments

wear and tear

The Difference Between Normal “Wear and Tear” and Excessive Damage

October 18, 2017 2:04 pm Published by 1 Comment

Reading Time: 6 minutes Perhaps you’re a resident hoping to get your full security deposit, or an apartment manager wanting to know whether or not you should charge a tenant for damage. Either way, you’re probably currently asking yourself, what is normal “wear and tear” and what’s coming out of the security deposit? As an apartment manager, sometimes you have to ask yourself tough questions. For instance, when there’s something wrong, in your neighborhood apartment community, who are you gonna call?? Perhaps your plumber or electrician or handy brother-in-law. That’s an easy question. Maybe the better question is, who’s going to pay for it? ... View Article

Resident Retention Idea for the fall

Throw a “Say Yes to the Address” Party for Residents

October 4, 2017 3:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 3 minutes For those familiar with the hit TLC show “Say Yes to the Dress,” you know the ways in which apartment shopping is a lot like wedding dress shopping–there’s the surly friend who shoots down everything (too big, too small, WAY too shiny!), the mom who just wants her child to be happy (I like this TOO!), and the drive to find the “perfect one.” Here at Marketapts, we think residents should be just as happy with their homes as blushing brides are with their dresses. Because of that, we’re giving you the tips to throwing your own “Say Yes to... View Article

Free checklists for apartment move-in

The Ultimate Apartment Move-In Guide

October 2, 2017 5:08 pm Published by 1 Comment

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you first move into a new apartment, it can be overwhelming to remember everything you have to do. We’re here to help! See our tips, tricks, and advice on how to de-stress your move-in and remember everything. See below for our checklists for the ultimate apartment move-in guides! Move-in Checklist! Forwarding your address There are actually several places you will need to forward your address. Remember to leave a forwarding address with your old residence, should they need to forward you any bills or notices, as well as with the post office. In addition, you’ll need to leave a... View Article

Attract and Retain your Millenial Residents

Learn how to attract and keep millennial residents!

September 29, 2017 4:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 3 minutes It should come as no surprise that the millennial generation is the largest growing renter population. For you as a property manager, what does this mean? It means Millennial residents should be a target group for your marketing. Here you’ll learn the best strategies to attract and retain Millennials in your apartment: Who are Millennials and what do they want? Although Millennials represent one of the biggest demographics for apartment renters (a number that will only grow as they get older), they also are one of the most finicky groups. A new study found that over 60% of millennial residents... View Article

How to set up your own social media campaign for apartments

How-to: Setting Up a Social Media Calendar

September 12, 2017 11:00 am Published by 1 Comment

Reading Time: 5 minutes Social Media Calendars: What are they and why do you need them?  In apartment marketing, online presence is important. Facebook, snapchat, pinterest, instagram, and other social media sites can help residents find you and decide to lease from your building. Hubspot recently conducted a survey that found that 80% of businesses say that social media increased traffic to their websites. So let’s say you’ve hopped on the social media bandwagon, and now need a way to stay organized. How much should you be posting, and how often? What time of day? How will you keep everything organized? While sites like... View Article


Cleaning Checklist for Apartment Move-Out

September 8, 2017 3:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s the end of the summer, and still, peak move-out/move-in season! Likely either you or someone you know is getting ready to go through the process of moving out of their apartment. You want to leave your apartment as good as it was when you moved in (to reap the full benefits of that security deposit you might have forgotten all about!), but aren’t sure where even to begin? See our complete apartment cleaning checklist for moving out. You can also send some checklists to your residents! First, let’s start with the checklist for the entire unit: Likely a lot... View Article

Ideas and Tips for Pinterest Marketing for apartments

How to Use Pinterest in Your Apartment Marketing

August 29, 2017 8:37 am Published by 1 Comment

Reading Time: 4 minutes Welcome to today’s marketing guide, on the ins and outs of Pinterest marketing! What is Pinterest?  In the “Facebook age,” it’s difficult to be unfamiliar with the Zuckerberg monolith, or its sister site Instagram, but you might be not as familiar with Pinterest, a social media site devoted to “pinning” ideas, articles , and images. Users can share a pin, which consists of an image, and that image can be either clicked on (opening up the larger article or website), or it can be “re-pinned” and shared to the larger Pinterest community. Because of its emphasis on visuals and images, Pinterest... View Article

use facebook for apartment marketing

Using Facebook in your Apartment Marketing

August 21, 2017 4:15 pm Published by 3 Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes What do all of the following have in common: poking, tagging, and sharing? Things young children do to the annoyance (or elation, for the last one) of their parents? Close! They’re also Facebook actions. Now, as one of the first social media sites, Facebook is the most popular virtual network and should be your first site to consider with your apartment marketing. But even though we’re probably all familiar with Facebook, how might we use the site to generate lead interests?  Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is to take out a Facebook ad. Paid advertising goes a... View Article

Snapchat Marketing for Apartments

Using Snapchat for Apartment Marketing

August 9, 2017 3:58 pm Published by 5 Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes So, you’re proficient on Facebook… You have most of your residents follow you on Instagram. You tweet out resident events and special promos for your apartment on Twitter. You even keep a Pinterest board with all your resident event ideas! You’ve covered your bases on social media marketing, right? Maybe not. If you’re not using Snapchat as part of your digital marketing campaign for your apartment, you could be losing out on a great opportunity to attract more leads. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that 71% of Snapchat’s users fall in the 18 to 34 age range, but think... View Article

hands woman laptop

Reviews and Ratings are Key to Finding Great Residents

August 8, 2017 3:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 4 minutes A good review on an apartment hunting site can feel like an inspiring Oscar speech: it’s heartfelt, it’s genuine, and it inspires people to move (quite literally in this case!). When your residents sit in front of a keyboard to review you, imagine each of them carrying around a gold statue and preparing to take that mic in front of thousands of people. What would you like them to say? What do you want to avoid? Here’s what we know: ratings and reviews are key to finding great residents. A new study shows that 84% of residents hold online ratings... View Article