Author Archives for Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel

About Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.

design tips for apartment marketing

The Best Design Tips For Apartment Marketing

March 17, 2021 11:34 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s no secret that a crucial part of your apartment marketing is the aspect of design. Design can mean various things such as brochures, flyers, logos, property maps, and rebrands. It is the visual elements that bring your property to life. Poor design can also lead prospects away and not advertise your apartments to the maximum potential. With professional design elements, you truly can take your community to the next level. Not to mention, it will allow your property to maintain a consistent feel. Your future renters want to live somewhere that is professional. To have a high-functioning apartment website,... View Article

Smart Apartments and Technology

How To Turn Your Apartment Into A Smart Apartment

March 3, 2021 10:44 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 10 minutes Smart apartments are the new luxury in the multifamily world. These highly technical apartment amenities may be the reason that you get more prospects! Any property can easily add these features to their community that will take it to the next level. Smart apartments often contribute to more resident happiness and are more likely to be chosen in the leasing process. Everything about these “smart” additions is based on convenience. They can bring a level of simplicity that sets apart any property from all of the rest. Smart technology additions can ultimately make an entire difference in how the prospect... View Article

Apartment Marketing Mistakes

Apartment Marketing Mistakes That Are Holding Your Property Back

February 9, 2021 11:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 7 minutes Is your apartment marketing strategy stuck in a rut? Discover the common mistakes that could be dragging your property’s success down and learn how to turn things around. As your to-do list for multifamily advertising grows, it’s important to prioritize which tasks will be the most effective. Start by identifying and addressing marketing pitfalls that might be holding your property back.  Simple adjustments in your approach can make a big difference in your community’s success. Even with great marketing ideas, their impact can be limited if they aren’t executed by professionals. Regularly review your marketing strategies, analyze your data, and... View Article

amenities residents want

12 Apartment Amenities That Your Residents Actually Want

January 27, 2021 3:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 6 minutes The truth is, the world of multifamily amenities has drastically changed. The things that used to be the “best apartment amenities” are no longer dealbreakers, and new features have taken their place. Renters today want particular amenities, and they’re adamant about what they want. It makes complete sense to understand what renters are looking for so that your property focuses on upgrades that will be worth it. There is no point in investing in amenities that won’t draw your audience in. If your property wants more leases, adding a few of these amenities could be precisely what you need to... View Article

apartment specials to market

11 Creative Apartment Specials To Market To Future Renters

January 19, 2021 2:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 8 minutes Creative apartment marketing specials can be the way to your future residents’ hearts! Specials can ultimately be the reason that a prospect chooses your community over someone else. The most common specials include discounts on rent or a free security deposit. Creative apartment specials are innovative strategies and offers designed to attract and retain residents in an apartment community. They go beyond traditional discounts and incentives by providing unique, personalized experiences and services that cater to the modern renter’s lifestyle and preferences. The significance lies in their ability to differentiate an apartment community in a competitive market, enhance resident satisfaction,... View Article

questions to ask residents

50 Questions To Ask Your Residents On Social Media

January 7, 2021 3:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 4 minutes Apartment social media can be tricky, and it’s easy to run out of ideas. Posting on social media can seem simple, but getting your residents to stay engaged is a whole different story. There is an art to interacting with your audience, and it can start by following the right strategies. In recent months, resident retention efforts and resident events have continued to challenge multifamily communities facing COVID-19. Due to this, social media has become the perfect virtual tool and can truly be one of the greatest benefits during this time. However, if it gets complicated, it can seem like... View Article

Gen Z Renters

How to Attract And Keep Gen-Z Renters In Your Community

December 8, 2020 2:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 5 minutes The next generation of renters is on the rise, and it’s now crucial to focus on Gen-Z apartment marketing strategies and methods. Gen-Zers bring many new perspectives, wants, and needs to the table, so it’s essential to shift from millennial attitudes. Despite the two generations sharing common goals, Gen-Z wants greater personalization, better technology, clearer stability, and more lifestyle features. Properties of any kind will benefit from Gen-Z targeted marketing as it’s something that will only continue to grow over the coming years. While attracting Gen-Z renters is one thing, keeping them as your renters is another. Applying specific resident... View Article

social media ideas

31 Apartment Social Media Ideas For Creative Posts

October 27, 2020 12:54 pm Published by 3 Comments

Reading Time: 9 minutes 1. Highlight a floor plan. Showcase one or all of your floor plans on your apartment’s social media! Consider posting an apartment video or boasting about the amenities that make your place one of a kind. Promote a sense of urgency when posting about your floor plans. Let prospects know the one they want is waiting for them and won’t be available forever. 2. Post a resident event. Share your resident events, and demonstrate connection in your community! Hosting a resident event and setting up opportunities for photos is a great way to create content for your apartment’s social media.... View Article

renter follow up template

How To Create The Best Renter Follow-Up For More Leases

July 14, 2020 2:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Reading Time: 14 minutes Many properties lose potential residents throughout the renter follow-up phase. A property’s lack of strategy causes prospects to not make it to the next step of the renting process. While most of the focus is on generating high-quality leads, there should also be an added measurement of focus on follow-up. Without a strong follow-up, gaining high-quality leads can result in lost renters. As a renter begins the search for their new apartment, they’ll most likely visit a variety of properties. To improve your follow-up, you’re going to have to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Many simple... View Article

50 apartment marketing ideas

50 Apartment Marketing Ideas That Will Transform Your Leasing

June 23, 2020 4:50 pm Published by 4 Comments

Reading Time: 26 minutes Apartment marketing begins and ends with creativity. With so many online and offline options it can be difficult to know where to begin. When apartments are sitting in vacancy it can be a huge setback for you and your team. Not to mention, finding good residents and tenants can often be challenging. However, there are a variety of apartment marketing ideas that you can use to occupy a vacant unit! Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of tactics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, email marketing, and online listing platforms, all aimed at reaching a wider audience... View Article