New Website Templates for Apartments
Apartment Website Designs with a Marketing-First Approach

Reading Time: 18 minutes In the crowded world of apartment hunting, standing out is not just an option; it’s a necessity. The rental market is fiercely competitive, with countless communities competing for the attention of potential tenants. In this landscape, an apartment website must be more than just a digital brochure. It’s a crucial tool in capturing interest, building trust, and ultimately, convincing someone to call your property “home.” That’s why you need an apartment website design with a marketing-first approach.  It’s about creating websites that prioritize marketing strategies to attract, engage, and convert potential tenants. Its more than online platforms for apartment listings.... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | August 31, 2017
Ideas and Tips for Pinterest Marketing for apartments
How to Use Pinterest in Your Apartment Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes Welcome to today’s marketing guide, on the ins and outs of Pinterest marketing! What is Pinterest?  In the “Facebook age,” it’s difficult to be unfamiliar with the Zuckerberg monolith, or its sister site Instagram, but you might be not as familiar with Pinterest, a social media site devoted to “pinning” ideas, articles , and images. Users can share a pin, which consists of an image, and that image can be either clicked on (opening up the larger article or website), or it can be “re-pinned” and shared to the larger Pinterest community. Because of its emphasis on visuals and images, Pinterest... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | August 29, 2017
Apartment Photography
Types of Photos That Transform Apartment Listings

Reading Time: 12 minutes Stop wondering how you can transform your apartment listings and learn more about how it’s all in the types of photos that you use! The right images will greatly improve your listing and the type of success that you see. Especially during an apartment slow season, awesome photos can ensure that your listings are still getting viewed and making waves with your future tenants. Discover how to improve your apartment photography and don’t let your apartment photos hold you back from getting more leases.  Reflecting on what I’ve learned in the field of apartment photography, I’ve come to realize the... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | August 25, 2017
use facebook for apartment marketing
Using Facebook in your Apartment Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes What do all of the following have in common: poking, tagging, and sharing? Things young children do to the annoyance (or elation, for the last one) of their parents? Close! They’re also Facebook actions. Now, as one of the first social media sites, Facebook is the most popular virtual network and should be your first site to consider with your apartment marketing. But even though we’re probably all familiar with Facebook, how might we use the site to generate lead interests?  Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is to take out a Facebook ad. Paid advertising goes a... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | August 21, 2017
Instagram in apartment marketing
Instagram Ideas for Your Apartment Marketing

Reading Time: 8 minutes Visit our updated FREE social media guide for apartments. We know you’ve heard the mantra, a picture is worth a thousand words, but have you heard this one: A picture is worth a thousand leases? Ok ok, depending on the size of your property, maybe not a thousand, but with the fastest growing social media site dedicated solely to images, pictures are an absolute must for your multifamily marketing strategy. Instagram apartment marketing is the way ahead for great results and more leases.  Instagram was much like any other social media site when it initially appeared on the scene back in 2010: it... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | August 14, 2017
Resident Appreciation and Recognition Ideas for a Happy Community

Reading Time: 9 minutes Resident recognition and appreciation programs are structured initiatives designed to acknowledge, reward, and celebrate the contributions and presence of tenants within an apartment community. These programs help create a happy living environment. People feel valued, and community spirit grows with such acts. Recognizing people’s efforts and presence automatically improves the mood. Infectious positivism encourages people to participate and improve the community. Recognition and appreciation make your apartment community happier and more lively. Let me guide you step-by-step through the art of resident appreciation. Leveraging our collaboration with property management agencies, we at Market Apartments have curated a collection of strategies... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | August 11, 2017
Benefits of Renting an Apartment
17 Benefits Of Renting an Apartment

Reading Time: 13 minutes There are many benefits of renting an apartment! The truth is renting provides flexibility and freedom. Renters have the ability to choose the duration of their stay, allowing them to adapt to changing circumstances such as job relocations or personal preferences. Renting also frees individuals from the responsibilities and costs associated with property ownership. Owning a home can often come with a long to-do list of tasks and financial outpour. Renting can help you save a lot of money! It requires a smaller upfront financial commitment in the form of a security deposit and monthly rent payments. This can be... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | August 10, 2017
Snapchat Marketing for Apartments
Using Snapchat for Apartment Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes So, you’re proficient on Facebook… You have most of your residents follow you on Instagram. You tweet out resident events and special promos for your apartment on Twitter. You even keep a Pinterest board with all your resident event ideas! You’ve covered your bases on social media marketing, right? Maybe not. If you’re not using Snapchat as part of your digital marketing campaign for your apartment, you could be losing out on a great opportunity to attract more leads. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that 71% of Snapchat’s users fall in the 18 to 34 age range, but think... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | August 9, 2017
hands woman laptop
Reviews and Ratings are Key to Finding Great Residents

Reading Time: 4 minutes A good review on an apartment hunting site can feel like an inspiring Oscar speech: it’s heartfelt, it’s genuine, and it inspires people to move (quite literally in this case!). When your residents sit in front of a keyboard to review you, imagine each of them carrying around a gold statue and preparing to take that mic in front of thousands of people. What would you like them to say? What do you want to avoid? Here’s what we know: ratings and reviews are key to finding great residents. A new study shows that 84% of residents hold online ratings... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | August 8, 2017
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Keep Your Residents Happy: Using Texting to Increase Resident Satisfaction

Reading Time: 7 minutes Stop us if you’ve heard this one—a property manager needs to get a hold of their resident to schedule maintenance, but can’t reach them through email or paper notices. The property manager schedules the maintenance at an inconvenient time for the resident. Disappointed, the resident leaves the next year in search of another apartment complex. The property manager has lost a good tenant, and the resident has lost out on a good home. Why? Simply because they didn’t use the most effective way of contacting residents: texting.  Luckily, text messaging for property managers has been streamlined by several tech businesses.... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | July 25, 2017